Lookout for These Symptoms of Dengue

Dengue, it is a viral infection. It is mainly spread to people by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito.

High Fever: This is a sudden onset sign of a Dengue, often reaching 104 F. This fever lasts for 5-7 days.

Headache with stiff neck: Use of mosquito repellent on exposed skin.

Pain Behind the Eyes: Known as retro-orbital pain, is a distinctive symptoms of Dengue

Joint and Muscle Pain: Dengue fever is often referred to as "Breakborn Fever" due to the intense joint and muscle pain is causes.

Rash: This may develop a few days after the fever begins. It is itichy and may spread to most parts of the body.

Severe Abdomenal Pain:  It indicate dengue hemorrhaghic fewer

Persistent Vomiting: Leads to dehydration and is a warning sign of  severe Dengue