World Lion Day Special

Fun Facts about Lions 

Floral Separator
Floral Separator

World Lion Day is celebrated on August 10th each year to raise awareness about the conservation of lions and the urgent need to protect their natural habitats

Floral Separator

Lions are apex predators, playing a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance. Here are some fun facts about King of Jungle

Floral Separator

1. Lions live in large groups called Prides 

Floral Separator

2.  Male lions can weigh over 500 pounds and grow up to eight feet in length.

Floral Separator

3.  Known as the "King of the Jungle,” lions live in grasslands and plains, not jungles

Floral Separator

4.  Female lions and their sisters live together for life, while males stay with the pride until they reach maturity

Floral Separator

5. Lions prefer to hunt at night, making it easier to catch prey

Floral Separator

6. Lions spend about 20 hours a day resting or sleeping