New Delhi : Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls in the country, a virtual state-level meeting of Punjab’s top officials was held on Tuesday to ensure free, fair and transparent elections and adherence to the guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India.
DGP Punjab police Gaurav Yadav posted on X, “Senior police officers, Range ADGs/IGs/DIGs, CP, SSPs, all gazetted officers posted in districts, and all SHOs in Punjab to review preventive measures for ensuring free, fair and transparent Lok Sabha Elections and compliance of the guidelines of ECI.”
He further stated that all the police officers have been directed to do professional policing and ensure compliance with election guidelines.
He ensured, “The Punjab Police are fully geared up ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in the state.”
Earlier in the day, Punjab’s Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Sibin C, convened a meeting with representatives from major political parties in the state to discuss essential aspects of the upcoming elections.
During the session, he provided detailed insights into the election process, highlighting key statistics such as the total number of voters (2,12,71,246), including male voters (1,11,92,959), female voters (1,00,77,543), transgender voters (744), persons with disabilities (PwD-1,57,257), overseas voters (1597) and the number of polling stations (24,433).
Additionally, he informed attendees about recent provisions allowing PwD voters and individuals aged 85 and above to opt for voting at home.
Regarding Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) availability, Sibin C stated that the state boasts 150 per cent availability, ensuring a surplus of 50 per cent more than required.
Furthermore, he assured that all polling stations would be equipped with essential facilities such as ramps, water supply, proper lighting arrangements, and toilets. He emphasised that all polling stations would be conveniently located within two kilometres of voters’ addresses.