Bollywood actress Kajol, who was most recently seen in the streaming series ‘The Trial: Pyaar Kaanoon Dhokha’, is celebrating the 22nd anniversary of her blockbuster film ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’. On the occasion, the actress shared that director Karan Johar got exhausted and fainted on the sets due to the heat.
On Thursday, the actress took to her Instagram and shared a video of snippets from the film. She wrote in the caption: “22 years to #k3g .. Another acronym but yes another long lasting memory !!! Yash uncle actually renovated and made new makeup rooms in Filmistan studios permanently just for the shooting of this film because even with the vanity vans it was not going to be enough for this gigantic starrer! @karanjohar collapsed and fainted on set because of dehydration in the first few days.”
‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’ is one of the iconic films of Hindi cinema.The film has managed to stay relevant courtesy to its music, cast, writing, and the Internet fandom.