Mumbai : Actor Karan Sharma, who wore a turban for a special scene in the television series “Udaariyaan,” revealed that he got troubled recognizing himself. He also mentioned that people have been admiring him, describing him as a “Sardarji” and a “Punjabi munda.”
In the show, Karan plays Murtazim Siddiqui, and he loves his new appearance.
He said “I’ve never worn a moustache and a turban together before. I’ve never played a role like this before, so I can’t even recognize myself in this new appearance. I keep hearing from people who are seeing me for the first time that I seem Sikh.”
“I’m loving this new appearance and it’s a whole different kind of feeling. The actor, who is well-known for his role in “Sasural Simar Ka 2,” stated, “I would definitely go for it if I ever got to play this look again in any web series.”
“They all love it and so do my friends. What more does an actor want? I feel that look which is so different from who we really are. “Talking about the current episode of the show, Karan said, “There is actually a setup used to take Murtaz out of India through the Pakistani border. Their families are planning. I’m sure people will love watching this twist.
The Pavitra Rishta fame actor shared how people are reacting to his new look, “The response from the audience was very good and so many people told me that I look more like a typical ‘Punjabi Munda’ and ‘Sardarji’. My sister also complemented me for this look. I look amazing too. I got a lot of compliments on this look pose.”