Mumbai: Actress Poonam Pandey, who recently faked her death ‘to create awareness among masses about cervical cancer has been facing widespread criticism. Even after facing Backlash on social media, Poonam Pandey seems to stick to her guns. In a recent post on Instagram, Poonam said, , “Kill me, crucify me, hate me, but save someone you love.”
Marketing Agency Schbang, who worked with Poonam Pandey for this campaign has issued an apology saying, “Yes, we were involved in the initiative for Poonam Pandey to spread awareness about Cervical Cancer in collaboration with Hauterfly.”
The statement issued by agency said, “To start off, we would like to extend a heartfelt apology — especially towards those who have been triggered as a result of having faced / having a loved one face the hardships of any kind of Cancer.” Hauterfly, which is a lifestyle and entertainment portal targeting millenial women was also in collabration with Poonam Pandey for this initiative.
Schbang said, “Our actions were driven by a singular mission — to elevate awareness about Cervical Cancer. In 2022, India registered 123,907 Cervical Cancer cases and 77,348 deaths. After Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer is the second-most frequent malignancy affecting middle aged women in India. Many of you may be unaware but Poonam’s own mother has bravely battled Cancer. Having been through the challenges of battling a disease like this at such close personal quarters, she understands the importance of prevention and the criticality of awareness, especially when a vaccine is available.”
Trying to pacify the situation, agency added, “We understand that our methods may have sparked a debate about the approach. While we regret any distress caused, if the move results in spreading much needed awareness and preventing deaths, that would be it’s real impact.”
Marketing Agency Schbang issues Apology while Poonam says, ‘Kill me, Crucify me but….’