New Delhi: Ahead of Lok Sabha Elections, daily soap ‘Anupamaa’ fame Rupali Ganguly joined the BJP here at the party headquarters in New Delhi. On the commencement of her political innings, Rupali Ganguly who is known as ‘Anupama’ in every household sought blessings from the people.
After Joining BJP she said, “.When I see this ‘Mahayagya’ of development, I feel that I should also take part in this…I need your blessings and support so that whatever I do, I do it right and good…””
The soap star owes her huge popularity today to the titular character in the long-running family drama ‘Anupamaa’, who she’s been playing since 2020. The show, which is now in its episode No. 1,272, also stars Sudhanshu Pandey as Vanraj, Madalsa Sharma and Gaurav Khanna.
She is married to the insurance executive-turned-businessman and filmmaker Ashwin Verma, who moved from New York to become her life partner. The couple tied the knot in February 2013 and have a son named Rudransh.
On Wednesday, after joining the BJP in the presence of the party’s national general secretary Vinod Tawde, Ganguly shared her excitement and said: “I cannot express how I am feeling sitting on this stage. I am feeling like it was destined to happen, and that’s why I have taken that long journey of art and came here.”
She added: “We are fans of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I am grateful that I meet a lot of new people because of my acting career. I now want to move on the path of Mr Modi, and do service of the nation.”