Mumbai: Actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas’s upcoming documentary ‘Women of My Billion’ (WOMB) has got release date. Makers on Thursday unveiled the trailer.
Taking to Instagram, streaming platform Prime Video treated fans with an inspiring trailer video and captioned the post, which read, “journey along one woman’s 3800 km walk across India for women’s safety, witness stories that need to be told and question beliefs that must be challenged. #WomenOfMyBillionOnPrime, May 3. Trailer Out Now.”
‘Women of My Billion’ (WOMB), is a stark and touching chronicle of the fight against all forms of violence faced by women of India.
Directed by Ajitesh Sharma, produced by Apoorva Bakshi and Monisha Thyagarajan’s Awedacious Originals in association with Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ Purple Pebble Pictures Women of My Billion follows the journey of Srishti Bakshi, as she embarked on a walking pilgrimage from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, spanning 3,800 kms over 240 days, with a mission to find and share stories about women, their struggles, dreams, rights, and their wins, against all odds.
Talking about the documentary, producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas said, “Women have borne the brunt of gender bias for far too long, enduring a silent struggle against entrenched social injustices that seek to suppress their voices. With WOMB, the aim is to transcend these struggles – to be a beacon of hope. WOMB is not merely a depiction of pain and suffering, but a rallying cry and call for solidarity and action. We hope this film takes us a step closer to a world where every woman is appreciated, honored, and empowered to soar.”