Mumbai : Actress Shilpa Shetty, on Tuesday, shared a sneak peek into the Kanya Pujan at her residence, on the occasion of Ashtami, giving an adorable glimpse of her daughter Samisha.
Shilpa took to her official Instagram handle, where she enjoys 32.4 million followers, and dropped a reel, wherein we can see her washing the little feet of Samisha, and kissing her.
The actress is seen doing aarti of her baby girl. Samisha looked cute in a pink lehenga choli and is seen sitting on a couch along with her pet dog.
Shilpa is wearing a magenta pink coloured ethnic suit.
The video is captioned: “Celebrating the auspicious occasion of Ashtami today starting with the Kanya Pujan with our own Devi Samisha… May the Supreme Goddess Maha Gauri bless everyone with prosperity, love, and peace. #ChaitraNavratri #KanyaPuja #Ashtami #MaaDurga #JaiMataDi #blessed.”
The video has garnered 683K views.
Shilpa also took to her Instagram Stories and shared a snap, where we can see some little girls sitting on a floor and having ‘puri-aloo’, ‘chana’ and sweets.
It is captioned: “#jaimatadi #kanjakpoojan #ashtami.”