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Milk emerges in Ksheer Sagar Lake in Palwal

Palwal: A crowd of villagers gathered at the big temple of Baswan village in Hodal subdivision of Palwal in Haryana on Monday. Villagers say that after 40 years, a stream of milk has emerged once again during the day in the Ksheer Sagar located in the premises. After this, hundreds of men and women, as well as people from nearby villages started arriving at the temple. Villagers took the milk flowing from the Ksheer Sagar in vessels to their homes. Villagers worshipped the Ksheer Sagar.

Women Sarpanch Nisha Devi of Baswan village and villagers Veer Singh, Omi, former Sarpanch, Bhutto, Bhagirath, Dallu, Gopal, Uday Singh and Sukha told that devotees visiting the temple during the day saw milk flowing from three different places in the Ksheer Sagar built in the courtyard of the big temple of the village. Within a short time, all the water of the Ksheer Sagar became white like milk. As soon as other villagers got the information of milk coming out of Ksheer Sagar, hundreds of villagers ran towards the temple.

The priest of the temple and the villagers worshipped Ksheer Sagar and chanted the praises of Lord Laxminarayan. As people from other states started getting the information of milk coming out of Ksheer Sagar, devotees started gathering at the temple.

There is a pond in Baswan village from where the idol was dug out, whose water used to turn into milk once a year. But this was not seen for the last 40 years. This pond is near Baswan village, situated on the border of Haryana-UP, where the idol of Lord Laxminarayan was found. The lying idol of Lord Laxminarayan is either in Jagannath Puri in the country or in the temple of Sheshasai village of the district, which was installed by the people of Baswan village by building a temple. It is believed that Lord Laxminarayan himself comes and fulfills the wishes of the people on the day of Jaya Ekadashi.

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