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Gurnam Singh Charuni to strengthen BKU in Southern Haryana; holds meeting on March 20

Rewari: Gurnam Singh Charuni is trying to strengthen the roots of Bharatiya Kisan Union in Southern Haryana. For which he has called a meeting in Rewari on March 20. The names of the office bearers of Southern Haryana will be discussed in the meeting.

The meeting of BKU Charuni group will be held in Kisan Bhawan located in Rewari Grain Market. In the meeting, there will be a discussion on how to connect the organization with the farmers of Southern Haryana. Currently, no farmer organization has a significant presence among the farmers of Southern Haryana. Due to which the organizations do not get the support of the farmers here. At the same time, the farmers also face difficulty in fighting for their rights.

Contribution in the farmers’ movement also remained weak

The contribution of farmers of Southern Haryana in the movement against the 3 agricultural bills was also weak. Farmers were not able to completely block the road at Shahjahanpur border. For a few days, farmers were protesting on one side of the road here. In such a situation, it is a matter of concern for farmer organizations that why the farmers here are not active in any movement. This will also be discussed in the meeting.

There can be agitation even on hailstorm

Hailstorm has occurred thrice in Rewari in a month. Girdawari has also been done by the state government. But the farmers are not satisfied with the administration’s report. In such a situation, when Chadhuni comes on the 20th, the farmers here will raise the issue before him. After that, a movement can be announced by giving an ultimatum to the administration and the state government.

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