Chandigarh: The Haryana government has started the process of filling the vacant posts in all the departments. The government will recruit 5 thousand posts in Groups C and D in many departments. For this recruitment, the state government has sent a letter to all the departments, boards, and corporations and asked them to send the request letter for the vacant posts in Groups C and D to the Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC). The process of filling 60 thousand vacant posts is going on in both of these groups. There is a problem due to some technical reasons, but soon the government is going to start working on it.
The youth will be given great relief in the new posts for which the state government is going to recruit. Recruitment for these new posts will be done on the basis of the Common Entrance Test (CET) already held. So far, one CET has been done for Group C and one for Group D. It is being said that until the second CET is done, recruitment for the vacant posts will be done according to this CET.
In the letter issued by the Chief Secretary’s Office of Haryana, it has been clearly stated that there is no need to send a demand for those Group C posts for which the demand has already been sent to HSSC. Apart from this, the posts under current recruitment in departments, boards, and corporations should not be considered vacant.
This demand will be prepared by the head of all departments, boards, or corporations, and it will be uploaded on the portal created for this purpose by Haryana Knowledge Corporation Limited, where the login credentials given earlier to the departments, boards, and corporations will be used.
It is being told that the unemployed youth of the state ran a campaign on social media and urged that CET should be qualified. This demand was continuously made to the government even before, but the government did not pay attention to it. The youth said that whenever the government amends the CET policy, it should be of a qualified nature. Till now, there has been a rule to take a knowledge test by shortlisting four times the total number of posts as per the CET score.