Ambala: In Ambala district of Haryana, the former Sarpanch embezzled Rs 3.66 lakh from the grant received for Chaupal. Only 33 thousand rupees were spent on Chaupal out of 4 lakh.
When the embezzlement was revealed, the Block Development and Panchayat Officer submitted a complaint to the police of Barada police station and demanded action. Based on this, the police registered a case against the accused former Sarpanch and started an investigation.
Block Development and Panchayat Officer (Barada) Sushil Mangala told the police in the complaint that a grant of Rs 4 lakh was received for the construction of Valmiki Chaupal in the village of Talheri. After this, Gurdeep Singh filed a complaint in the block office. It was alleged that the former Sarpanch of the village, Harish Kumar, embezzled Rs 4 lakh received for Valmiki Chaupal.
After receiving the complaint, JE Manish Kumar inspected the spot. Investigation revealed that only Rs 33,707 was spent on the Valmiki Chaupal. The outstanding amount of Rs. 3,66,293 has been embezzled by former Sarpanch Harish Kumar. The police of Barad police station have registered a case under Section 409 against the accused former Sarpanch and started an investigation.