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Big Relief : Internet service restored in Haryana

Ambala: Common people were facing a lot of problems due to internet service being shut down from 13th due to Farmers Movement. While common people were facing problems due to closure of internet services and business of people was also being affected, students were also facing problems in their studies.

Today once again internet service has been restored in all the 7 districts of Haryana. After which there is an atmosphere of happiness among the people. People have appealed to the government saying that the movements could continue but the government should not stop the internet service.

In view of security, internet service was stopped in seven districts of Haryana by the Haryana government, due to which people of all sections were facing a lot of problems. On one hand, people’s business was being affected. On the other hand, it was also having a huge impact on the studies of the students.

Because nowadays all studies are done online and children’s exams are also near. Today once again internet service was restored in all the districts of Haryana. A lot of happiness can be seen among the people due to the resumption of internet service.

Due to closure of internet service, almost all the work was getting affected as OTP was also not coming. Work in the office was also being affected. With the start of internet service, all work has started again.

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