In Kurukshetra, a teenager committed suicide by jumping in front of a train after being stopped from playing mobile games. His body was found on the track near Dheerpur railway station. On receiving the information, the Government Railway Police (GRP) reached the spot and took the body into custody, and got it identified.
The incident happened on Thursday morning. The deceased was identified as 15-year-old Arun of Shadipur Shaheedan village. Arun studied in the 9th class in Government School Kanipla. Shyam Das said that his nephew Arun used to play a lot of games on his mobile.
His studies were getting affected due to games. As per family, After school, he used to come to his room lock it, and sit down to play games on his mobile.
According to GRP, Arun left home at around 9 pm on Wednesday. When Arun did not return home for a long time, the family started searching for him. The family also informed the police. The family members reached the spot and identified him.
Sub Inspector Kamal Rana posted in GRP Kurukshetra says that an accidental death report has been registered on the basis of the statement of the family members. During the conversation with the family members, it came to light that Arun used to play a lot of games on mobile. The family members used to stop him from playing games on his mobile. Perhaps he took this step in anger. At present, the police is investigating the matter.