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Himachal Pradesh: Principals to teach 6-8 periods weekly; teacher requires 36 periods

Shimla: Another system change has taken place in the state’s education department. After the cabinet decision, the process of rationalization of schools and the use of staff in the education department has changed. This change has happened in the parameters of rationalization, which has been sent to all the districts. Now, after making it mandatory for principals and headmasters to teach in school, the education department has also changed the parameters of the new rationalization. It will be mandatory for principals and headmasters to take six to eight periods a week, while teachers will have to take 36 periods a week. There will be only one section for up to 60 children and two sections for up to 120. The formula for creating teacher posts in student ratio has also changed. The education department has also given this formula to all the districts. This is a new formula. The calculation of workload on TGT has also been done afresh.

The system of minimum required teaching posts based on the number of students in the school will also be new now. On the other hand, the file to close schools with no enrollment or low enrollment in the state has now reached the Education Minister. Among these, there are 100 schools in which not a single child is enrolled, and there are 361 schools in which there are less than five children. The cabinet has decided to close or merge these schools. Now only the order is pending. The file was sent to the Education Secretary for the order, from where it has gone to the Education Minister.

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