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Hearing in Sanjauli Mosque Case postponed, new date to be decided soon

The hearing in Shimla’s Sanjauli Mosque case was scheduled in the Municipal Corporation Commissioner Court today. However due to the local holiday declared by the court, the hearing of this case has been postponed. Shimla Municipal Corporation Commissioner Bhupendra Atri said that the Commissioner Court had definitely fixed the hearing for today, but due to the local holiday declared by the court, this case will now be heard later. A new date will be decided soon.

In the next hearing, a decision is to be taken regarding the demolition of the lower two floors of the mosque. The Municipal Commissioner Court has already ordered to demolish the upper three floors. During the next hearing, local residents will demand to speed up the work of demolishing the illegal part of the mosque, because despite the court’s decision, the work of demolishing the illegal part is going on at a slow pace.

During the last one week, the work of removing the walls of the upper two floors of the mosque has definitely been completed. Now the lintel of the top floor is being demolished. Lack of budget is also coming in the way of the work of demolishing the mosque, because apple traders were in the forefront to build it. But the Muslim community is not getting the budget to demolish it.

Order to demolish 3 floors on 5 October

Let us tell you that on 5 October last year, the Corporation Commissioner had ordered to demolish the 3 floors built illegally on Sanjauli Masjid within 2 months. After this, the demolition work has started. The decision of the Corporation Commissioner Court is yet to come regarding the lower two floors. A decision can be taken in the court today regarding this.

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