Shimla: Himachal Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu will hold a cabinet meeting in Dharamshala on January 24. In this, there will be a discussion about the announcements of the Chief Minister on Statehood Day. After the date of the cabinet was finalized today, ministers and departmental officials have been asked to attend the meeting.
Let us tell you that this time Statehood Day is being celebrated in Baijnath, Kangra. On this day, the Chief Minister of Himachal makes many announcements. The employees and pensioners of the state are waiting for the arrears of DA as well as the new pay scale.
The former Jairam government of Himachal had given the benefits of the new pay scale to the employees before the change of power in 2022. But the arrears due from January 1, 2016 were not paid.
Employees-pensioners waiting for DA and salary arrears
The government owes more than Rs 9000 crore of arrears of employees and pensioners of the state. In such a situation, employees-pensioners are waiting for arrears. It is expected that on 25th January, Chief Minister Sukhu will announce DA along with arrears. A decision is expected after discussion in the cabinet.
Recruitment can be approved
In the cabinet meeting called in Dharamshala recruitment in various departments can also be approved.
CM Sukhu on winter stay
CM Sukhu is on winter stay in Dharamshala for three days and is inaugurating and laying the foundation stone of projects worth crores of rupees in different areas of Kangra district. During this, he is also listening to the problems of the people by holding Janta Darbar.