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700 apple trees turns in ash in Shimla

Shimla: In Kotkhai town of Shimla, 700 apple trees turned to ashes due to a massive fire. In Jaru village of Bakhol town, four gardeners suffered a loss of lakhs. For this negligence, the Jal Shakti department and contractor are being held accountable for this incident in the apple garden. Based on the gardener’s complaint, an FIR has been registered, and police are investigating the matter. 

According to the police, the Hulli-Kufar drinking water scheme is going on in Kotkhai. Labour was doing welding on the pipe; the spark of the welding reached the adjacent apple garden. Due to this, 700 apple trees turned into ash. 

According to the complainant, 25 apple plants and 3 anti-hail nets by Sunil Chauhan, a resident of Kanalog; 80 plants by Mohan Lal Suman, a resident of Jaru; and 50 apple plants by Umesh Suman were burned.

The police have started an investigation into the complaint of the affected. At present, a case has been registered against the Jal Shakti Department and the contractor making the drinking water scheme. Let us tell you that these days, apple plants are full of crops. In such a situation, not only the crop has been destroyed by the fire, but most of the plants have also been burned to ashes.

The affected gardener, Bishan Singh, said that he had stopped the welding work two days before the fire, saying that due to the drought, the fire would spread in the grass and leaves. Therefore, the work should be stopped. But the IPH labourers did not listen to him. Due to this, 500 of his plants have been burned.

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