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On Chamba-Doda bus service halts route indefinitely following terrorist attack

Chamba: The increasing terrorist incidents in the Doda district of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Transport Corporation management has stopped the bus service on the Chamba-Doda route for the time being.

This decision has been taken by the Transport Corporation management, given the safety of the people. This bus service will be started again only after the situation in Doda district becomes normal.

The bus on the Chamba-Doda route returned from Sanghani, a nearby area of the district. The regional manager of Transport Corporation Chamba Depot, Shugal Singh, has confirmed the news. The inter-state bus service on the Chamba-Doda route was inaugurated by the Chamba Depot of the Transport Corporation.

This bus service used to leave for Doda from Chamba headquarters every day at 6:30 in the morning. The night halt of this bus service was in Doda.

Due to this, keeping in mind the safety of the people, the Transport Corporation management has decided to keep this bus route closed until the situation becomes normal. It is noteworthy that about 216 kilometers of the Chamba district’s border are adjacent to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The Himachal government has deployed a strict IRB guard.

On the other hand, the Regional Manager of Transport Corporation Chamba Depot, Shugal Singh, said that there has been an increase in terrorist incidents in Doda in the last few days. Due to this, the Transport Corporation management has decided to keep the Chamba-Doda interstate bus route closed until the situation in Doda becomes normal.

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