Shimla: Instructions have been issued to teachers in government schools of Himachal Pradesh to voluntarily implement dress code. These new guidelines have been issued for all schools from the new academic session. Some schools of the state have fixed the code for teachers at their own level. Education Secretary Rakesh Kanwar said that teachers are role models for students. The dress and behavior of teachers have a direct impact on school children. Change has been seen in the schools where the dress code has been implemented.
Education department officials said that it has not been made mandatory to introduce a dress code for teachers of all schools. The school which wants to adopt it can start from the new session. Under the scheme, the dress code of formal dress has been fixed for teachers and saree or simple suit-salwar for female teachers.
Dress code is applicable to teachers of government schools in many states of the country. Higher education department officials said that students consider teachers as their role model. Children form their behavior by looking at teachers.
In such a situation, teachers have a big responsibility to take children forward in the right direction.