The Special Detection Team of Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh has succeeded in arresting a vicious drug smuggler in the Ghumarwin area. The police was looking for the accused for a long time. The team recovered 4.30 grams of chitta (heroin) from him and registered a case under the NDPS Act. The police is investigating the matter.
According to the information received from the police, the team had received secret information that there was a drug smuggler near the Swarghat RTO barrier. On the basis of which the team raided. The team conducted an intensive investigation campaign near the barrier and caught a drug smuggler named Pratik. When the team searched him, 4.30 grams of chitta was recovered from him. The police have registered a case against him under the NDPS Act and further investigation is going on.
DSP Madan Dhiman said that the drug smuggler Pratik Chauhan caught by the police was involved in chitta smuggling for a long time and the police was looking for him. He said that the campaign against drug smugglers has been intensified in the district and the police is committed to freeing society from drugs. On this success, the police administration praised the special team and appealed to the public to immediately inform the police if they got information about any suspicious activity.