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Shimla records large number of tourists visit in summer season till now; 70% hotel rooms booked

Shimla : In the capital of Himachal this weekend, highest number of tourists have come to visit Shimla in the summer season so far. Up to 70 percent rooms are booked in the capital’s hotels on Saturday.

The traffic of tourists in Shimla this weekend has been 20 percent more than last week. A large number of tourists are heading to Shimla due to the summer vacation in schools in Delhi and Rajasthan.

Apart from Shimla, Kufri is also receiving a large number of tourists. Dinesh Bhardwaj, head of Kufri Ghoda Union, says that their business will increase a lot due to the large number of tourists coming on weekends. Small traders, horse drivers, taxi drivers and photographers are most happy with the increase in tourists.

Prince Kukreja, Vice President of Shimla Hotel Association, said that 70 percent of the hotels have been booked this week in the summer season in Shimla.

Manu Sood, General Secretary of the Travel Agency Association, said that a large number of tourists have arrived in Shimla on weekends, due to which 70 percent of the capital’s hotels have been booked. Bookings in small hotels remain low. The main reason for this is the facility of online booking in hotels.

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