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Shimla: Youth commits suicide by jumping into Sutlej

In Rampur, Shimla, a youth committed suicide by jumping into the Sutlej river. The deceased has been identified as 35-year-old Lal Singh of Nepali origin. The incident happened late on Monday evening. Lal Singh was a resident of Khorla Post Office Uiya Tehsil Garekha District Gandagi. Before the incident, he made a video naked and posted it on Facebook.

According to eyewitnesses, Lal Singh jumped into the river once before. He reached the shore and survived. As soon as the information of this incident was received, the police team reached the spot. When the policemen went near to save him, he scared them by showing stones.

Hundreds of people had gathered on both sides of the river, but no one could muster the courage to save him. Finally, he jumped into the river for the second time. Since then, nothing has been known about him. DSP Rampur Naresh Sharma said that the police have registered a case. The police is searching for the body of the deceased and every aspect of the case is being investigated seriously.

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