Shimla: A speeding car hit an 8-year-old girl in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. The driver fled from the spot after the accident. Today the injured girl has been referred from Rampur to Shimla. The incident took place in Nogali, Rampur at around 3 pm on Friday. The girl’s name is Riyanshi.
The girl’s father Chhewang Tashi told the police in a complaint that the driver of vehicle number HP 41-0722 hit his daughter. The girl suffered serious injuries on her head, forehead and back. The injured girl was immediately admitted to Khaneri Hospital, where she is undergoing treatment.
The father alleges that the accident occurred due to the driver’s speeding and negligence. DC Naresh Sharma confirmed that the police have registered a case of negligent driving against the driver. Based on the vehicle number, the police are searching for the accused driver.