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People protest in Venezuela after Nicolas Maduro announced winner, opposition claims ‘Rigged Results’

Caracas: Large-scale protests have started in the South American country Venezuela after the victory of President Nicolas Maduro. Opposition leaders allege that the results have been rigged, after which the public has come out on the streets.

According to CNN report, thousands of people are protesting in different parts of the country. Arson has also been seen at many places. Thousands of people have reached near the Presidential Palace in the capital Caracas.

Some protesters tried to move towards the Presidential Palace, to stop which the police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at the protesters. In Cumaná, 400 km from the capital, many people tried to capture Maduro’s United Socialist Party office but the force foiled it.

Elections were held in Venezuela on 28 July. In the survey conducted before the election, the opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez was predicted to win easily. However, the election results came out to be the opposite. Nicolas Maduro won the election. However, the opposition has refused to accept this victory. The opposition claims that the Election Commission has rigged the results.

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