International desk: In a tragic news from New York, Jasmer Singh, an Indian-American succumbed to injuries after being assaulted by a man. Singh was assaulted by the man following an accident last week. This incident based on hate-crime is second incident within a week.
According to the news division of the American Television and Radio Service, the accident occurred on Thursday when Singh’s car collided with another car of Gilbert Augustin. It was a minor accident in which two cars suffered scratches and dent but the heated argument between two led to scuffle. Augustin assaulted and punched Singh three times after which he was rushed to hospital in critical condition. In the hospital, Jasmer Singh succumbed to head injuries.
During this incident, Singh tried to call the police by dialing 911 but Augustin snatched his phone and said ‘No police.’ Jasmer Singh’s son said that his father became victim of hate crime and this incident happened because he was Sikh and was wearing Turban.
Mayor of NYC Eric Adams expressed his grief over the incident. In a post on X he said, “Jasmer Singh loved his city and deserved so much more than his tragic death. On behalf of all New Yorkers, I want our Sikh community to know you have more than our condolences. You have our sacred vow that we reject the hatred that took this innocent life and we will protect you.”