New Delhi: The Indian Meteorological department in Uttar Pradesh have issued an Orange alert for Prayagraj for tomorrow where the Kumbh Mela is currently going on. IMD Scientist Soma Sen Roy said that there is a possibility of rain and fog conditions in the Kumbh Mela area on Thursday and Friday.
Speaking with the media Soma Sen Roy said, “There is a possibility of rain and fog conditions today in southeast UP, where the Kumbh Mela is currently going on. Even if the fog is not too dense, its impact will be high, and because of this, we have issued an Orange alert for today and tomorrow in this area. Rain is expected to increase from 18 January, especially in the hill states. A third WD is expected on the 21-22 January. So there is a possibility of rain over planes.”
“Today western disturbance is over Pakistan and induced cyclonic circulation is over South Haryana. Many places in north India experienced rainfall yesterday. This WD is moving eastwards, due to which there’s a possibility of thunderstorm activity in hilly areas and west UP, and snowfall in hill states today. From 18-19 January, another WD is expected to occur.”
She said that generally before western disturbance the temperature rises and after it the temperature reduces.
She also said, “There is a possibility that temperatures will drop by 2-3° C in the next 2 to 3 days and fog conditions could increase in northwest India, causing dense fog in Punjab, Haryana, north UP, and Delhi on 17-18 January. Temperatures will fall in Delhi from tomorrow morning onwards and fog will prevail moderate to dense on 17 and 18.”‘