Prayagraj: As of 8 am on Thursday, over 4.51 million pilgrims have visited the Mahakumbh, according to a release from the Uttar Pradesh Information Department. More than 1 million Kalpwasis are currently at the Sangam, with over 5.51 million devotees taking a holy dip there on Thursday morning. Since the Mahakumbh began, the total number of devotees who have bathed at the sacred confluence has exceeded 275 million as of January 29 during the ‘Mauni Amavasya’ festival. Authorities are enhancing crowd management and facilities for the pilgrims to ensure their safety.
On Wednesday, a stampede-like incident occurred early in the morning, leading to multiple fatalities and injuries. Despite this, saints are still arriving at the Triveni Sangam for the second Amrit Snan, albeit in smaller groups. At least 30 people lost their lives, and 60 were injured in the pre-dawn stampede, as reported by Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Kumbh, Vaibhav Krishna, who noted that 25 bodies have been identified.
The tragedy unfolded as millions gathered at the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers to take a holy dip on the auspicious Mauni Amavasya, which coincides with the Second Shahi Snan. The Uttar Pradesh government has announced a financial aid of ₹25 lakh for the families of the deceased. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered a judicial inquiry, with a commission led by Justice Harsh Kumar, along with former DG VK Gupta and retired IAS DK Singh. The situation has been closely monitored by the Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, and DGP.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences to the families of the victims, stating, “The accident at Prayagraj Mahakumbh is extremely sad. My deepest condolences to the devotees who lost their loved ones. I wish for the speedy recovery of all the injured.” He also mentioned that local authorities are assisting the victims and that he remains in touch with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah also expressed his sorrow over the incident, offering condolences to the victims’ families. In a post on X, he said, “I am deeply saddened by the tragic accident at Mahakumbh. May God give strength to those grieving. The administration is treating the injured, and I am in constant contact with the Chief Minister and local authorities.”