Mumbai: Veteran actor Prakash Raj has reacted strongly to a fake photo circulating on social media that shows him taking a holy dip at the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj. The image, which was widely shared online, claimed to show the actor participating in the religious event. However, Prakash Raj clarified the photo was fake on January 29, posting about it on his official X account.
the last resort of bigots and coward army of “Feku Maharaj” is to stoop down and spread FAKE NEWS.. even during theire Holy ceremony.. what a SHAME .. Complaint has been filed against the Jokers .. face the consequences #justasking— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) January 28, 2025
The actor shared a screenshot of the photo, which had been posted by a Facebook user with the caption, “Hope all his sins are forgiven and removed.” In response, Prakash Raj criticised those spreading false information, calling it “shameful” to do so during such a sacred event. He added that he had filed a police complaint against those responsible for sharing the AI-generated image.
Known for his bold political statements, Prakash Raj is no stranger to controversy. On the professional front, he will be seen in several upcoming films, including Retro, Jana Nayagan, Father, and Goodachari 2, among others.