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CM Kejriwal gets bail after 80 days in money laundering case

New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal, arrested in the Delhi liquor policy case, has got bail from Rouse Avenue Court today. The bail plea was heard for the second consecutive day on Thursday (June 20) in Rouse Avenue Court. The vacation bench of Judge Nyayabindu had reserved the decision after hearing the arguments of ED and Kejriwal. The court has granted him bail on a bail bond of Rs 1 lakh.

Additional Solicitor General (ASG) SV Raju, appearing for ED, said that ED has not investigated in the air. There is strong evidence against Kejriwal.

He should not get bail. At the same time, lawyer Vikram Chaudhary, appearing for Kejriwal, argued that the entire case against Kejriwal is based only on imagination.

Kejriwal was arrested on March 21. He was sent to Tihar Jail on April 1.

The Supreme Court granted him interim bail on May 10. After being out on bail for 21 days, Kejriwal surrendered in Tihar at 5 p.m. on June 2.

Kejriwal’s judicial custody ended on Wednesday, which was extended by the court until July 3.

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