New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday lauded the work of the Border Security Force (BSF) on its 59th Raising Day, saying the force has made a mark as a guardian of our frontiers and their valour and unwavering spirit in protecting our nation is a testament to their dedication.
In a post on X, Modi, who is in the UAE to attend the COP28 meeting said, “On BSF’s Raising Day, we laud this excellent force, which has made a mark as a guardian of our frontiers.”
“Their valour and unwavering spirit in protecting our nation is a testament to their dedication. I would also like to appreciate the role of BSF during rescue and relief work in the wake of natural disasters,” the Prime Minister said.
On BSF’s Raising Day, we laud this excellent force, which has made a mark as a guardian of our frontiers. Their valour and unwavering spirit in protecting our nation is a testament to their dedication. I would also like to appreciate the role of BSF during rescue and relief work…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 1, 2023