In a breathtaking incident, A helicopter crashed near Bhimbali between Kedarnath and Gauchar. It was being airlifted by the Air Force’s MI-17. Actually the helicopter malfunctioned earlier and today was being airlifted by Air Force’s MI-17 but due to the effect of wind and the weight of the helicopter, the balance started deteriorating. In the video viral, a Helicopter can be seen dangling mid air following which the pilot decided to drop it in the valley.
Earlier, A helicopter of Kestrel Aviation broke down on May 24. There were 6 passengers in it. The helicopter waved 8 times in the air before the emergency landing. Since then it has been standing on the helipad. It was to be repaired at Gauchar Airbase.
There were neither any passengers nor luggage in the helicopter, so there was no loss of life or property. However, as a precaution, SDRF personnel reached the spot and searched the debris of the helicopter completely.
In fact, the helicopter which had to make an emergency landing due to a technical fault during landing on May 24, was being airlifted this morning. According to District Tourism Officer Rahul Chaubey, the balance of MI-17 started deteriorating due to the weight of the helicopter and the effect of wind. Due to this, it was abandoned when it reached near the Tharu camp. If this was not done, there was a possibility of damage to MI-17.
Visuals from helicopter Crash