New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday welcomed a “new member” to his Lok Kalyan Marg residence in the national capital. The new member is none other than a calf which was born to a cow at Prime Minister’s residence. PM Modi calls the calf adorable and even named it ‘Deepjyoti’.
Sharing a video on X, PM Modi wrote “It is said in our scriptures – ‘Gaav: Sarvasukha Prada:’. There has been an auspicious arrival of a new member into Prime Minister Family on Lok Kalyan Marg. ”
The calf, born to a cow living at the premises of the Prime minister’s residence bears a unique mark on its forehead, resembling a symbol of light. In recognition of this distinctive feature, Prime Minister Modi chose to name the calf ‘Deepjyoti’.
“In the Prime Minister’s residence, the beloved mother cow has given birth to a new calf, which has a symbol of light on its forehead. Hence, I have named it ‘Deepjyoti’,” the Prime Minister posted on X.
In a video shared on the social media platform PM Modi can be seen welcoming the newborn calf with prayers and affection. It shows the Prime Minister petting and playing with the calf, even planting gentle kisses on its forehead. The Prime Minister was also seen holding the calf and taking a stroll through the garden at his residence.
Watch the video here:
हमारे शास्त्रों में कहा गया है – गाव: सर्वसुख प्रदा:’।
लोक कल्याण मार्ग पर प्रधानमंत्री आवास परिवार में एक नए सदस्य का शुभ आगमन हुआ है।
प्रधानमंत्री आवास में प्रिय गौ माता ने एक नव वत्सा को जन्म दिया है, जिसके मस्तक पर ज्योति का चिह्न है।
इसलिए, मैंने इसका नाम ‘दीपज्योति’…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 14, 2024