Pune: In a horrific incident a 21-year-old was gang-raped by 3 men in Pune on Thursday night. The incident took place at Bopdev Ghat area when the victim girl was out with her male friend last night. According to the police, the victim and her friend were in the Kondhwa area when three men attacked them and gangraped the 21-year-old girl. Her male friend was also allegedly assaulted by the miscreants.
#WATCH | Maharashtra | On Pune gang rape incident | Ranjan Kumar Sharma, Joint CP Pune City Police says, “An incident of rape has been reported in Kondwa Police station where yesterday night a 21-year-old woman went to Bopdev Ghat with her friends. three unknown people… pic.twitter.com/XzvhKd4JYS
— ANI (@ANI) October 4, 2024
Police added that later the girl’s friend took her to the hospital, where she is undergoing treatment. Police said that they received information about the case at around 5 am this morning and the search for the accused is on.
He said that 10 teams of Crime Branch have been formed to arrest the accused. Police also said that the victim is a resident of Jalgaon in the state, while her friend is a resident of Surat in Gujarat.