New Delhi: In a significant move, the Samajwadi Party (SP) has dissolved its state executive in Uttarakhand. This decision was announced by Akhilesh Yadav, the National President, through his personal secretary, Gangaram. Abdul Mateen Siddiqui, the party’s Uttarakhand in-charge, confirmed the dissolution in a media statement, referencing instructions from Gangaram.
The action follows considerable internal strife within the state’s party unit, particularly due to the contentious political maneuvers of Shuaib Ahmed, the Uttar Pradesh Samajwadi Party’s state general secretary stationed in Uttarakhand. Ahmed had initially submitted his nomination for the Mayor’s position in Haldwani Municipal Corporation elections but later retracted it, triggering disputes within local leadership and escalating factionalism in the state executive.
The directive issued by Gangaram on behalf of Akhilesh Yadav states:
“With the permission of the respected National President of the Samajwadi Party, the state executive of the Samajwadi Party in Uttarakhand is hereby dissolved with immediate effect.”
This notice has been disseminated to top party officials, including Prof. Ram Gopal Yadav and former state president S.P. Pokhriyal.
Insider reports indicate that the ongoing discord among the state leadership necessitated intervention from the national leadership, prompting Akhilesh Yadav to take this decisive step to uphold discipline and prevent further fragmentation within the party in the region. The order has been enacted immediately, and senior party figures have been notified.