In a recent development, Pune Police have filed a First Information Report (FIR) against the parents of trainee IAS officer Puja Khedkar, accusing them of threatening a local farmer in Mulshi taluka, Pune.
The accused, identified as Dilip Khedkar and others, are reportedly evading authorities, with their phones switched off and residence vacant.
Pune Rural SP Pankaj Deshmukh provided updates on the situation, stating that despite efforts by police officials, the accused remain unreachable.
“The accused are on the run, we are trying to contact them but they are not reachable as their phones are switched off. We have also tried to reach their residence but they are not available,” SP Deshmukh informed the media.
Efforts to locate the accused include the deployment of multiple teams from Pune Police, including personnel from the local crime branch and nearby police stations. They are conducting searches in Pune and surrounding areas where the accused are known to have residences and farmhouses.
The FIR comes on the heels of a widely circulated video featuring Puja Khedkar’s mother, Manorama Khedkar, allegedly brandishing a pistol and issuing threats to farmers. This incident has stirred controversy, drawing national attention amid allegations of misuse of power by Puja Khedkar, which led to her recent transfer from Pune to Washim.
Responding to queries, Puja Khedkar refrained from commenting, citing regulatory restrictions. “I have said earlier also that I cannot comment on this. Rules do not allow me to say anything. I cannot share anything with the media, whatever is required I will share with the committee,” she stated