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UPSC declares Civil Services 2023 results, Aditya Srivastava secures top rank

New Delhi : The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on Tuesday announced the results for the Civil Services Exam 2023 with Aditya Srivastava clinching the top position.

Animesh Pradhan and Donuru Ananya Reddy secured the second and third ranks respectively.

An official said that based on the result of the written part of the Civil Services Examination, 2023 held by the UPSC in September 2023 and the interviews for the Personality Test held in January-April, 2024, a total of 1,016 candidates have been recommended for appointment based on their performance in the examination.

However, it is worth noting that the candidature of 355 recommended candidates remains provisional, subject to further verification and scrutiny.

According to UPSC, a total of 180 candidates have been selected for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), 200 candidates for the Indian Police Service (IPC) and 37 for the Indian Foreign Service (IFS).

Through these examinations, 613 candidates have been selected for various Grade A posts of the Central government while 113 candidates have been selected for Grade B posts.

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