Amritsar: The vigilant Border Security Force Troops and Punjab Police in a joint operation recovered an illicit drone. The drone was recovered after receiving information from the intelligence wing regarding the fallen drone in border area in the Amritsar district.
On 10th September 2024, acting on intelligence provided by the BSF’s intelligence wing regarding the presence of a fallen drone in the border area of Amritsar district, a joint search operation was conducted by BSF Punjab troops and Punjab Police.
After investigating the suspected area, during the operation, at approximately 06:00 PM, the troops successfully recovered a drone from a farming field adjacent to the village of Rajatal in Amritsar district.
The recovered drone has been identified as a China-made DJI Mavic 3 Classic. This operation, based on reliable intelligence and the coordinated efforts of BSF and Punjab Police, resulted in the recovery of yet another illicit drone sent from across the border.