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Chandigarh PGI-PU underpass project gains momentum: Consultant bid finalized after 5-year standstill

Chandigarh: Building an underpass between Chandigarh’s PGI Hospital and Punjab University will start soon. For this, the administration had placed an online bid to appoint a consultant.

This consultant will prepare a report on the new drawing of this underpass, the estimated cost, and other puzzles and give it to the administration. The consultant has been finalised for Rs 2.36 lakh. The feasibility report of this underpass was passed about 5 months ago.

In this, some changes were made in the drawing of the underpass prepared in 2019. Because since 2019, this project has been put on hold by the Heritage Committee.

The Chandigarh Administration had prepared a proposal for this underpass and sent it to the then Administrator of Chandigarh, VP Singh Badnore. He approved this proposal on 4 November 2019. After this, a lot of time was spent deciding the place, and then about a year was spent deciding the design.

After this, this underpass got stuck in the heritage committee. The heritage committee did not approve it. After getting the approval of the heritage committee, its feasibility report was prepared.

This underpass will be built between the bus stop near Punjab University and the PU gate, which will be connected to PGI. Currently, thousands of patients going to PGI and PU have to cross the road daily amidst the movement of vehicles.

During this, they have to face a lot of trouble. Many people have also become victims of accidents. Due to this, there is a need to build an underpass here.

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