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Consecutive 2 holidays in Punjab; Read to know how

There will be two consecutive holidays in Punjab from tomorrow. According to the list of holidays of the Punjab government, there will be a government holiday tomorrow i.e. on Saturday on International Women’s Day. Also, the next day is Sunday, so there will be a holiday anyway.

The government has declared March 8 as a reserved holiday in the state, which will be for government employees. However, schools and colleges in the state will remain open as usual on March 8. March 8 is observed as International Women’s Day and it is declared reserved holiday by the government. It should be noted that reserved holiday is only for the staff and employees and schools will be open as usual.

Government employees will have the option to take leave. This means that if a government employee wants to take leave on this day, he or she can take this leave.

In addition to this, the Punjab government has announced a holiday on March 14, to celebrate the festival of Holi. Schools, colleges, and offices across the state will be closed.

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