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Giani Harpreet Singh criticizes secret coronation of Giani Kuldeep Singh Gadgaj as Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib

Amritsar: In a bold statement, Giani Harpreet Singh has taken a dig at the secret coronation of Giani Kuldeep Singh Gadgaj as the new Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib in the early hours of the morning. The event, which took place at 3 am on Monday morning, has started a controversey in Sikh circles.

Former Jathedar of damdama Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh expressed his disapproval, stating, “Na Panth Hajir na Granth Hajir”. His remarks concerns over the lack of transparency and the absence of key elements of Sikh tradition during the coronation ceremony. According to Harpreet Singh, the absence of the Panth and the Granth raises the questions about the authenticity of the process and whether it aligns with Sikh principles.

Giani Harpreet Singh said- Allegations were leveled against Giani Raghbir Singh that he did not work according to decorum. Now which decorum has been followed today?

the staement has sparked a debate within the Sikh Community about the legitimacy of tyhe secretive coronation. Sikh religious leaders and followers voiced concerns that such an important decision can not be conduct without the proper religious and community involvement.

Many Nihag Singhs also expressed their disappointment that the ceremony took place in the middle of the night, without any religious and Sikh traditions. 96 Krori Baba Balbir Singh and the heads of other Nihang organizations said that this coronation done in the absence of the head granthi of Harimandir Sahib and all other organizations will not be accepted. At the time when this coronation took place, there was no Parkash of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. This coronation has been done against the dignity. This has hurt the dignity of the Takht. Hola Mahalla is starting from today. In view of this, all the Nihang organizations will also protest.

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