Shimla: Former Punjab CM and Jalandhar Lok Sabha MP Charanjit Singh Channi met the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu. This meeting took place in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh at the residence of Himachal CM. Various issues were discussed between the two leaders.
Channi has discussed with Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu about giving recognition to Punjabi language as the second language of Himachal Pradesh. Former CM and Jalandhar MP Charanjit Singh Channi has shared information about this today. Channi said, “There is a large section in Himachal Pradesh which is Punjabi speaking, due to which Punjabi language should be given status as a second language in the state.”
Channi shared the post on his social media account
Channi shared a post on his social media account regarding the meeting held two days ago. In which he is seen with Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu. In the post, Channi wrote- “Met Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu in Shimla. On this occasion, he was urged to make Punjabi language the second language of Himachal Pradesh. Because Punjabi language is still spoken and understood in a large part of Himachal. He assured to consider this matter seriously.”
Apart from this, discussion was also held on the current political situation of the state.