Jalandhar: The team of the building branch of Jalandhar Municipal Corporation of Punjab sealed the shops built illegally in Gulmohar Colony of the city late at night. This action has been taken on the orders given by Jalandhar Municipal Corporation Commissioner Gautam Jain.
The said building owners were first issued a notice, but still the construction of the building continued. Taking action on the said violation, team of ATP Sukhdev of the Building Department took this action. The illegal construction was sealed late on Thursday night.
ATP Sukhdev said – the building was built illegally
ATP Sukhdev Vashishth of the Building Branch of Municipal Corporation Jalandhar, who arrived to seal the building late at night, said “all the four shops sealed were built illegally. They were issued notices several times before, but still, the construction took place.” ATP Sukhdev said that the building owner did not have any kind of NOC to carry out the construction.
When this matter came to the notice of Municipal Corporation Commissioner Gautam Jain, orders were immediately given to take action in the matter. After this the team took this action late at night. The team of the Building department went along with security and sealed out the illegal construction.