Nangal: Panic spread after the murder of a migrant woman in Mahalla Raj Nagar of Nangal city. The murder came to light when the smell was coming from the closed house and the people of the neighborhood informed the local police. The police arrived at the spot and saw that the dead body which started decaying of a migrant woman lying in the house. The police called the forensic team to collect the evidence.
A house owner living in Nangal’s Raj Nagar Mahalla, who had given his house on rent to migrants, found the dead body of a migrant woman in the rented house, creating an atmosphere of panic in the neighborhood. According to the information received, the landlord said that he had given the house on rent on the 6th.
According to the information received from the police, DSP Kulbir Singh Thakkar said that the dead body of the woman had been taken into possession and an investigation has started on all the facts. It can be said only after the results that the woman has been murdered or there is some other case, but at present the condition in which the dead body of the woman was found, it seems to be a case of murder because the woman is injured and bleeding. More information about it can be revealed only after the postmortem is done.