Mallanwala: In a tragic incident, A young man from Mallanwala village who had gone to Canada to earn a living for his family and a better future was found dead under suspicious circumstances. The news of death has spread a wave of mourning in the area and the family members are crying inconsolably. It is said that the young man went abroad two and a half years ago in the hope of a better future.
The father of the deceased, Balwinder Singh, a resident of Basti Chahal (Mallanwala), said that his son Onkardeep Singh (23) had gone to Edmonton, Canada, to study for his better future about two and a half years ago. His son’s education was almost over and the last time they spoke to him was on the night of September 1. After this, Onkardeep Singh’s phone was switched off.
After no contact was established, a missing report was filed. On September 9, Canadian police called their relatives living in Canada that Onkardeep Singh’s dead body was found lying near the river bank. The body is under the possession of Canada Police and taking the investigation forward.