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Rain in some areas of Punjab: Nautapa starts from today; mercury will reach beyond 46

Chandigarh : Western Disturbance, which has been active in Punjab for the last few days, gave some relief on Friday night. It rained with strong winds and thunderstorm in Amritsar and surrounding areas on Friday night.

After which people have got some relief. But Nautapa is going to start in Punjab from today. According to the Meteorological Department, the temperature which had dropped to between 42 to 45 degrees in the past few days, will now suddenly increase.

According to the Meteorological Department, dry weather is likely to continue in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh during the next 4-5 days. The maximum temperature in parts of south-western Punjab and Haryana remained between 45-46 degrees. Whereas in Chandigarh northern areas the maximum temperature is around 39-42 degree Celsius.

The maximum temperature is likely to rise gradually by about 2-3 degrees Celsius during the next 3-4 days. Similarly, the temperature in northern parts of Haryana and Punjab including Chandigarh is expected to remain between 42-44 degrees Celsius.

Due to this, the heat wave is likely to become stronger in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh during May 25 to 28. The temperature may reach 46-47 degrees at some places.

Meteorological Department issued warnings

Know the temperature of major cities of Punjab

Amritsar– The temperature of the city was recorded at 42.4 degrees last evening. Today the temperature is expected to reach around 44 degrees.

Jalandhar- The temperature on Friday evening was recorded at 41 degrees. Today the temperature is expected to reach around 44 degrees.

Ludhiana- Last evening the temperature was recorded at 41.6 degrees. Today the temperature is expected to reach 43 degrees.

Patiala- Friday’s maximum temperature was recorded at 41.6 degrees. Today’s maximum temperature is expected to be around 42 degrees.

Mohali- Last evening the maximum temperature was recorded at 40.3 degrees. Today the temperature is expected to be around 42 degrees.

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