Jalandhar: RPF (Railway Police Force) has seized gold worth about Rs 1.30 crore from a person in Jalandhar. The accused person could not show any solid documents to RPF regarding the gold seized, due to which the officials took him into custody and confiscated his gold, and immediately informed the Income Tax Department about the matter. The total weight of the gold is about 2.90 kg.
According to the information, 2.90 kg of gold was recovered during the checking of RPF. The person was questioned for a long time, but when nothing was found, he was brought to the police station and the matter was immediately informed to the higher officials.
This gold was recovered today i.e. on Monday by the Railway Police Force from Jalandhar Cantt Railway Station. This has been confirmed by Rishi Pandey, Senior Commandant of RPF posted in Ferozepur Division. He told that after the recovery in the case, the Income Tax Department was immediately included in the investigation.
After investigating the whole matter, it will be known from where the said person had brought so much gold and where he was taking it. Now the Income Tax Department is investigating this matter thoroughly. After the investigation, further legal action will be taken by the Income Tax Department.