Malerkotla: In a heartwrenching incident, Jashandeep Singh of Badla village of Malerkotla, who went to Canada eight months ago to secure his future was murdered. Jashandeep Singh was murdered with a sharp weapon in Downtown Edmonton, Alberta. The accused of the murder, 40-year-old Edgar Whisker is under arrest of the police and is charged with second-degree murder. The killing of Jashandeep can be case of suspected hate crime.
TIn the downtown parking lot of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a 22-year-old turbaned youth, Jashandeep Singh Mann, was murdered with sharp weapons. Following the murder of Jashandeep, it is said that the murderer remained at that scene and was standing next to the deceased’s body.
Edmonton police and city mayor Amarjit Singh Sohi are being asked to investigate the incident as a hate crime. The deceased youth was a resident of village Badla, district Malerkotla. The killer is said to have used a box cutter to commit the murder. The news of killing of Jashandeep has left his parents devasted. Efforts are being made to speed up the repatriation of Jashandeep’s body back to Punjab.