Chandigarh: The Punjab government has installed CCTV cameras in the registrar and sub-registrar offices located in the tehsil for the convenience of the people. The intention behind this is that the people coming to these offices for work should not face any kind of problem. Also, people’s work should also be done properly.
But the checking done by the administration revealed that the cameras are not working properly. During the checking, only three cameras were found to be working. Now the government has ordered to start all the cameras by December 31. Orders have been issued in this regard.
The government has raised seven points in the letter –
1. In the order issued by the government, it has been said that four CCTV cameras have been installed in the Sub Registrar Joint Sub Registrar offices. Two of these are CCTVs. Two cameras have been installed inside the Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar office (where ID is verified) and outside the office (where the public waits).
2. The purpose of installing these cameras is that the Deputy Commissioner can check whether the Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar available in his office are working properly and can see whether the public is facing any difficulty in getting the will registered. This was to bring transparency in the work.
3. But on investigation last week, it was found that out of the 180 Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar offices where CCTV cameras have been installed, only three cameras were working. This situation is not completely satisfactory.
4. Orders are given for immediate action on this matter by installing CCTV in every Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar office of district by 31.01.2025. The cameras should be operational. If not, the company installing the cameras should be contacted.
5. These CCTV cameras are based on IP address. Hence, you are asked to access the CCTV of each office of your district on your computer/mobile. The link of the cameras should be loaded, so that you can check the attendance and crowd status of public at any Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar office of your district at any time. Technical information in this regard is given separately to the DMM of your district.
6. You are directed to check the CCTV of some Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar offices of your district daily. Unscheduled checking may be done through live footage. 7. These CCTV and cameras will also be checked by the undersigned and the concerned officers of the Headquarters.